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Letīs make business

Business makes the world go around, so far. That is until the capitalistic system collapse and the world invents another version of fair trade.

The Hill Collection

Donīt hesitate to contact me if you want to buy or rent some of my collections. You can be an individual or a museum, either private or publically owned, to exhibit “The Hill Collections”.


Contact me if you want to buy a license for my “Hillisms”. Itīs only the imagination which sets the limits what you can do and use my one-liners for, but here are some examples:

  •  Publisher of books and comics

  •  Manufacturer of fridge magnets, t-shirts, caps, pencils,       coasters, mugs, towels and woodcarvings for signs/plates       in pubs

From Hill with Love

Octopussy 1983
Rolling Stones
Gothenburg 1990
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